2001 Recognition Award Winners
City of Madison
- Purchased several alternative-fueled vehicles and promoted alternative fueling stations under their newly developed Green Fleets Policy.
- Promoted energy efficiency, green building and driving tips to employees, local schools and the public through bus ads, seminars, public events, brochures, outreach kits, newsletters and neighborhood EcoTeams.
- Developed a Climate Protection Plan that evaluates emissions and the implementation of cost-effective programs to reduce energy use and greenhouse gases.
- Offers Bikes at Work and Rideshare programs for employees.
Madison Gas & Electric
- Developed a solar curriculum and installed Photo Voltaic Systems and weather stations at local high schools, which feed data to MG&E web site for student research. Energy created offsets regular electric generation and its associated pollutants.
- Uses Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel in generators and is making particulate matter reductions at one of their major facilities.
- Operates a large wind farm and purchases electricity from local landfill where the generators run on methane gas as sources of alternative energy.
- Created Cooperative Environmental Advisory Group of residents, local businesses and MG&E representatives to address environmental concerns.
Milwaukee Public Schools – Easy Breathers Project
- MPS in-school production company partnered with the Department of Natural Resources to produce Easy Breathers, an educational video and website targeting high school students entering their driving years.
- Project took a “let kids lead” approach giving students the opportunity to act, direct and assist in taping scenes of the video and developing the web site.
- Designed a highly interactive, fun website for students and teachers to research mobile sources of air pollution and guide teen transportation choices.
- Success led to funding for future development of an exhibit and interactive vehicle simulator for permanent display in Milwaukee’s Discovery World Museum.